Award Winning Custom New Home Builder in New Jersey

H & N Custom Homes Custom New Home Builder New Jersey

H & N Custom Homes New House Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal

A tremendous amount of time and effort goes into the exterior design of our homes. The exceptional curb appeal of a H & N Custom Homes home is not only a reflection of the quality and care that goes into the home but also a huge source of pride for our homeowners.






Innovative Floor PlansH & N Custom Homes Floor Plan Homes

Our innovative home plans have won numerous awards and accolades from local press and national organizations. Our homes are designed to maximize space, comfort, luxury and accentuate your favorite area of the home. Our home plans are constantly evolving, yet our timeless principles endure. that goes into the home but also a huge source of pride for our homeowners.



Ultra Energy Efficient

H & N Custom Homes homes use less than half the amount of energy used by a typical existing home of a similar size. By combining cutting edge technologies, efficient building materials, and best practices, home owners reduce costs and increase consistency. These features not only increase comfort, they reduce utility bills and increase resale value of your home.





*Please Note*

Because of a recent increase in requested projects, H & N Custom Homes is unfortunately only accepting new home construction clients through referral, or applicants who pass their strict criteria process. To see if you are eligible, fill out the form below to join the waiting list, and someone from the team will get in touch if you are qualified.

    Your Full Name (required)

    Best Phone Number (required)

    Your Email

    How Long Have You Seriously Considered a New Home (required)
    less than 3 months6 months12 months12 months+

    Why Do you Personally Want a Custom Home? (required)

    Budget Range - everything included (required)
    [radio* radio-807 default:1 "350k-500k" "500k-750k" "1mill-2mill" "2mill+"]