Ewing Township Home AdditionH & N Custom Homes Home Addition Ewing Township ,Do you love your neighborhood and your home’s charm but feel you’re getting limited by space? Moving isn’t the only option, and you shouldn’t have to if you want to stay in your current home! An addition could be a smart and economical solution. Wentworth, Inc. home additions allow you to keep the things you like about your home while changing the things you don’t. Whether it’s for your growing family or a budding chef who needs more kitchen space, a thoughtfully designed addition can enhance the function, aesthetic, and market value of your home.  Call Us : (609) 488-1898

Kitchen, bathroom, and other home additions require careful architectural study. That’s why our New Jersey area architect-led design-build firm is uniquely qualified to handle home additions. When your architect, interior designer and construction team work together on a project, the finished product will reflect that same sense of cohesion.

Common Home Add-Ons
You have many different options in regards to adding on to your home, including:

Kitchen additions
Master suite and bathroom additions
Second-story additions
Garage additions
Zoning Regulations & Other Details for Home Addition
Many New Jersey area neighborhoods and communities are governed by historic district regulations or homeowner associations’ architectural controls. Our home addition builders are well-versed in designing a space to fit within the confines of a neighborhood’s particular rules and regulations. A neighborhood’s zoning regulations also require careful analysis when designing an addition. At Wentworth, we analyze side and rear yard regulations before suggesting a design for your new kitchen addition, bathroom addition, in-law suite addition, or any other type. Quality home additions in an historical neighborhood may require additional thought and time at the outset, but the result will be one that fits your modern life and your historical home.

Every Detail Taken into Account
Many homes in New Jersey. it offer architectural character and historical charm. You should never have to sacrifice what makes your home unique in order to add space. At every design and construction decision, a Wentworth addition design always takes the home’s existing architectural style and period into consideration. Even if you’re looking to add a modern spin to your period home, we can integrate the old and the new through the careful study of your home’s proportions, scale, rooflines, current materials and design details.

We will coordinate every detail to ensure a seamless integration of your existing home with the new addition. A  home addition will never look like it was slapped on as an afterthought. To get a clear picture of how home additions will best suit your lifestyle, our team of award-winning architects and interior designers will examine every detail of your home and its neighborhood. A truly successful home addition is one that doesn’t dwarf your home’s lot. In other words, a home addition should look like it was meant to be there.


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