H & N Custom Homes Basement Contractor Ewing Township

it is downright puzzling why New Jersey homes generally do not have basements, a staple in other parts of the country. While houses built here in the early part of the this century often included basements, tiny rooms tucked below grade to house the boiler, water heater, duct work and electrical panel, the basement as living area was virtually unknown.

Call us : (609) 488-1898

Part of that is due to the fast-paced nature of development after World War II. basement-building primer, cites tract-building methods designed to put up houses as quickly as possible. “It’s easier to build without a basement if you were doing assembly-line construction.”

In addition, fear of earthquakes was often cited as a reason for the dearth of basements. But that, architects and contractors say, is something of a myth. Now we know the opposite is true. Building a basement to code upgrades your home to the safest level of protection for earthquakes, because you have a much stronger foundation for the whole house. A basement will have poured concrete walls and strong foundations set very deep.

Moreover, today’s technology and new construction techniques have overcome many other issues, such as waterproofing, drainage, ventilation and even protection against naturally occurring radon. H & N Custom Homes was able to set a coastal basement 2 feet below sea level, pouring a special foundation and pumping out water to keep the house from floating away. Call us : (609) 488-1898

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