Hammonton Basement ContractorsWhat’s Really Going On Underneath Your House?
The earth beneath your home is constantly changing, and your home is changed with it.
The vast majority of homes in Hammonton, HENN & NARDINI CONTRACTIN built on top of layers of soil—as opposed to being built on bedrock, the rock layers beneath the soil. Unfortunately, all soils naturally compress to some degree. As the weight of the foundation pushes down on the soil layers and forces them to compress, the once-sturdy ground beneath your home starts to settle.

The degree to which a foundation settles depends on the makeup of the soil under your home. However, in Hammonton , it is not so much a question of whether or not a home’s foundation will settle; it is a question of how much settlement will occur.

Clay Soils
Extensive shifting is likely

**Most common soil type in Hammonton, H & N Custom Homes** Soils which are rich in clay content have a much higher volume of voids than sandy soils. As a result, some clay soils can expand and contract by as much as 50% depending on the wetness of the ground. Expect significant shifting that occurs over a long period of time.

Organic Soils
Extensive shifting is possible

Soils which are rich in organic matter tend to compress and expand in the same way as clay soils, thought to slightly lesser degree. Organic soils (like topsoil) tend to behave like a sponge, expanding when wet and shrinking when dried.

Sandy Soils
Expect minimal foundation shifting

Sandy soils contract and expand little with changes in moisture. Water passes through these soils instead of being absorbed by them. As a result, these sandy soils are some of the most stable and reliable on which to build a foundation. Sandy soils are much less likely to cause foundation problems than other soil types.

Here’s what that shifting ends up looking like for a typical home.

H & N Custom Homes
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