H & N Custom Homes Basement Contractor Red Hill

Finishing or remodeling a basement is an excellent way to create additional living space for your family. Whether you are looking for an extra bedroom, a children’s playroom, a home theatre, an office,a basement that is designed and finished properly can give you the extra entertaining and functional space your home needs.

At The H & N Custom Homes Basement we have years of design experience, and have helped homeowners all over Ohio to plan, install and decorate their dream basement. showcases the system and products that we use, and provides endless basement decorating ideas.

The three main components of any basement remodeling or finishing system include the floor, the ceiling, and the walls. The H & N Custom Homes Basement system utilizes inorganic products that are made specifically for the basement environment and are resistant to moisture and mold. For years, we have been tearing out wood framing, carpet fibers and other organic materials due to mold, mildew and dry rot. With our patented system, we can finish or remodel your basement properly the first time.

In addition to creating a finished basement that is dry and mold-free, we also give homeowners a more energy-efficient space. Our system boasts an insulation value, which is one of the best ratings for wall insulation, and means that homeowners could see a savings of 33 percent or more on heating and cooling costs.

Before starting any finishing or remodeling project, it is ideal to start with a basement that is already dry, clean and structurally sound. The Basement Doctor’s waterproofing and foundation solutions are the perfect complement to our finishing system. Together, we can ensure that your new finished basement will benefit your family for years to come.

Call us : (609) 488-1898

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