H & N Custom Homes Basement Contractor Sharon

H & N Custom Homes help prevent wall movement by holding retaining walls or basement walls when soil swells and the resulting pressure pushes against the wall.

Retaining walls and basement walls are designed . The cement or brick walls from moving from the swelling soil pressure.

Basement walls can be repaired using helical. Basically holes are drilled horizontally using special equipment. Screw anchors are drilled into the soil and used to attach the walls with special brackets.

oregon retaining wall Oregon Helical Piers is a leading contractor for repairing or installing retaining walls in Oregon. If your looking for a company that specializes in retaining walls or basement wall repair or installation contact us for a estimate or repair evaluation.

The H & N Custom Homes Basement Waterproofing Difference
Other basement waterproofing services may only focus on keeping out the water you can see. We go all the way and install waterproofing systems that keep water from getting anywhere near the inside of your basement.

We’re a team of experienced, full-service contractors. That means we can handle all the work ourselves, leading to better and faster results.

Call us : (609) 488-1898

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