H & N Custom Homes Basement Contractor South Plainfield

It’s important for contractors and homeowners to understand the minimum code requirements fora basement finish project, as well as obtaining required permits and inspections.

These pages highlight code requirements and should not be considered a complete list of code requirements. Structural modifications, such as relocation of support columns, relocation of bearing walls, or reframing floor joists are not within the scope of these pages. A registered design professional should be hired to provide review and design services for structural projects.

Building Permits and Permit Requirements
A permit is required to finish or remodel a basement that involves construction of walls, installation or extension of electrical circuits, plumbing drains or vents, or ductwork.

Repair and maintenance work, such as, carpeting, painting, wall paper, receptacle replacement, fixture replacement, vanities and cabinetry do not require a permit.

Allows homeowners to obtain permits to do work in a house they own and occupy. If the homeowner is hiring a contractor to do the work, the contractor is required to be licensed. Licensing assures that contractors have met the minimum requirements for code knowledge, and maintain workman’s compensation and general liability insurance. Code deficiencies or failure to complete the work in compliance with code requirements is the responsibility of the person who obtained the permit. For additional contractor licensing information contact

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